Thomas LESCOT is a French medical doctor with a specialization in anesthesiology and critical care medicine. Thomas is currently Chief Medical Officer of Europ Assistance group.

When he began his career, he had the opportunity to serve as a medical doctor in an assistance company performing commercial aircraft and air ambulance medical repatriations. More recentlmy, he held several academic and strategic leadership positions as a Vice-President Medical Affairs ELAMA region for an international pharmaceutical company, professor in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at Sorbonne University (Paris, France) and head of the Anesthesia and Critical Care Department at Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, France.

Thomas graduated from Paris Sorbonne University, received a PhD in Neurosciences from University of Paris, a Critical Care fellowship from McGill University (Montreal, Qc, Canada) and obtained a diploma in medical management from MINES ParisTech. Thomas continues to practice on part-time basis and serves as critical care physician in ICU.